What exactly is plagiarism? Merriam-Webster Dictionary says it is stealing or passing off words or ideas of another as one’s own. It is also using someone’s production without crediting the source or author. To prevent it from happening, use a copy and paste checker. You can use it to prevent committing literary theft on essays, books or journals, among other written materials. Or else, you will commit an act of fraud, which involves stealing someone’s work and lying about it later. The copy checker ensures that you don’t commit plagiarism, which also involves turning in someone’s work as your own.
Legal Aspects of Plagiarism
Use a check copy and paste tool to prevent plagiarism that involves legal aspects. There are legal repercussions that you won’t want to suffer from for committing the violation.
Legal repercussions can be serious. You need to avoid plagiarism in order to prevent copyright laws violation. You should not use a material without referencing or be citing. Did you know that the author could sue you as a plagiarist?
In other cases, plagiarism is also a criminal offense, which may bring you behind bars for a prison sentence. People susceptible to plagiarism are authors and journalists. Writers must do a copy check to prevent violations of copyright laws and avoid plagiarism. In all cases, plagiarizing is a serious legal and ethical issue.
Common Forms of Student Plagiarism
You must do a copy and paste check to avoid plagiarism issues. There are many forms of student plagiarism practices to avoid. Check out the following for the most common forms of it.
- Copying has long been a problem in schools. It is using the same words as used in the text, but without citing or acknowledging the author. If you’re not using quotation marks for direct statements, it is also called plagiarism. Some of these sources plagiarized are articles, books, and reports, among other sources. These can also include internet sources, artwork, drawing or website content.
- Inappropriate paraphrasing skills lead to this problem as well. Aside from learning how to use the document similarity checker, students should also improve paraphrasing skills to avoid issues, including using or copying written ideas or words of someone without citation.
- Collusion is collaborating or acting with another person or some people to deceive.
- Relying on another person’s material is also a form of plagiarism. For example, using long quotations from someone’s work can also be tagged as plagiarism. So even if you use your own ideas, but you put heavy reliance on someone’s sentences without citing or referencing is plagiarism.
- Self-plagiarizing is not unique writing. It will also put you into trouble of copying and turn in your own previous work for an assignment. To prevent it from happening, you should cite yourself in the new content. Additionally, you should not recycle or duplicate your own work without disclosing it. Lastly, do not re-use parts of all of your previous work without citing yourself.
Check Copy: Plagiarism Facts & Stats
Check out the following facts and stats about plagiarism from valuable sources.
- According to UNSW, 60.8% of college students had admitted to cheating, and based on this informal poll in 2007, this figure was out of 30,000 respondents. Students had admitted to cheating on their tests and homework (College Humor website). Based on it, 16.5% of students said that they did not regret cheating.
- Cheaters also had higher GPAs than honest students did, based on a study at Fordham University. On an average, cheaters had 3.41 GPA average, while 2.85 for non-cheaters.
- Cheating had likely started in high school. Between 75-98% of students, according to Ad Council and ETS study, confessed that they had a personal standard, which began in high school.
- Plagiarism isn’t a good practice. It can ruin your reputation. You must use a plagiarism finder for help. Based on other statistics, 80% of college students had admitted to cheating at least once, according to The Center for Academic Integrity.
- There were 36% of undergraduates that had also admitted to plagiarizing even non-written material, based on a survey by the Psychological Record, as published at Love to Know.
Sanctions for Student Plagiarism
Academic sanctions vary from one educational institution to another. Different schools mean different punishments and sanctions for cheating and plagiarizing students. In general, students who turn in copied or duplicate work can receive the following. Use a copy paste checker to avoid any of these from happening to you (Source).
- The instructor may refuse accepting assignment or work for credit.
- One can also give an F grade or a total of ZERO for the test, project, paper or work that was plagiarized.
- The teacher can also give an F grade for the entire course in which the plagiarism has taken place.
Check Copy Paste Content: Why Students Plagiarize
There are many reasons students plagiarize or cheat on written work, test, assignment or project. For the most common reasons, check out the following for reasons students cheat.
- Lacking research skills: Aside from not using a check copy paste content tool, many students do not know how to search reference sources. They also do not know how to find materials in the library catalog or journal articles.
- Terminology confusion: Many do not know the difference among sources, such as reports and essays.
- Issues on evaluating sources online: Students also do not know how to check and verify content and materials they find on the web. You must practice quality control, or else the research process will be affected.
- Confusion on how to cite sources: Lack of knowledge on citation styles is another problem.
- Inability to take notes: Some students plagiarize even while in the process of initial research. Later, they don’t know which material is paraphrased and which ones are directly quoted. In short, materials mix up and so it is hard to classify notes.
- Not knowing the difference between paraphrasing and plagiarism – Incorrectly citing sources and inability in distinguishing between paraphrased text and plagiarized content is another problem, and one of the causes of unintentional plagiarism.
How to Avoid Plagiarism
To learn how to avoid plagiarism and use a copy and paste checker to prevent the problem, you must know certain tips from the experts. There are many ways to avoid plagiarism, and here they are:
- Learn how to paraphrase: You should know how to rewrite and then later cite information in your paper. Paraphrasing is writing the original text in your own words. You should not use more than two words consecutively, or you should enclose them in quotation marks.
- Know how to cite sources: This is one of the ways to prevent cheating. You should follow certain guidelines, such as that in MLA or APA, according to the requirements of your professor.
- According to WISC.edu, you should also document the source, such as when the information isn’t common knowledge.
- Learn how to quote to avoid using block quotes or those with 40 words or more.
- Cite your own material to avoid self-plagiarism. You must cite your own previous work if you used it in the new assignment.
- Know how to reference: At the end of your paper, you must have a page for works cited or also called a reference page.
- Keep track of your sources, whether print or electronic, according to ISITES Harvard.
- Use a copy paste checker online to avoid cheating.
Quote from the Expert
Here is a quote from an expert about the importance of citation to avoid plagiarism:
“Citing your sources might seem like a no-brainer, but properly citing your sources is another story altogether. Double-check your bibliography to make sure that you include all the needed information in the correct order.”
Allison Vannest at Grammarly Blog
Copy Paste Checker Online: How Our Tool Can Help to Avoid Plagiarism
The checker copy tool helps you avoid plagiarism. It checks your texts in a quick manner without installing anything on your PC. It helps you detect potential copied text and make changes to avoid issues before turning in your work. The copy checker online is free to use, so you can use it as many times in a day and ensure that you’re sending original work.
Advantages of the Grammar Checker Copy Paste
- Free to use
- No installation needed
- No signup
- Detects improperly paraphrased text
- Prevents plagiarism issues
- Helps you avoid academic sanctions and legal actions on plagiarism and copyright laws
It is just convenient, easy and fast to check copy content online! Just proceed to the website and copy and paste text into the box. Submit it by pressing the “Check your text” button. Get instant results in seconds. That’s so easy!
There you have what to know about the importance of using a tool to check copy paste content, the legal aspects of plagiarism, academic sanctions for cheating students and reasons they plagiarize, to name some. Use this guide and learn how to use a tool that helps you avoid plagiarism issues.